this time last year my health wasn’t much of a priority...

My body was about to cave in with all the stress I was placing on it—without any viable tools to release it. So a necessary shift had to happen, and QUICK!

My life was very unbalanced. I was 💯 focused on my clients/business & personal development to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. While I have had a few active spurts in the past six years, none of them were more than a pathetic sprint.😒

I wasn’t ever resilient enough.

Building Resilience

So in February, I decided to calendar a reoccurring block of time with the intention to be active every single day. 🏃🏼Right before the shutdown, I was going to the gym frequently, albeit inconsistently. I felt SO good when I went though.


When my gym was forced to close, it nearly crushed me. The day it closed, I was actually en route to get my first fitness assessment. 🙈 I almost walked into the automatic sliding doors when they didn’t open.


Thankfully, my gym opened up as soon as they could. I returned the day it opened, and it’s been a struggle to stay consistent but...

the Results

I have gained strength—setting personal records every time I show up. 😎

My clothes don’t fit any different. 😭

My relationship with gravity has actually gotten worse. 😂 I find the more I go, the easier it is to honor the commitment. ✅

Now I see the time spent at the gym is more like an investment rather than a sacrificial lamb. 📈

My clients are still my top priority, but ... because I am taking care of myself better, I’m able to do more. 💵

I don’t feel as guilty when something comes up, because I have it on my calendar every day, and have become more flexible when it happens. 🗓

a Positive Addiction

As you can tell, I’m slowly becoming more addicted to the POSITIVE feeling that you see here. 🤓

Today I rediscovered, this investment of my time & energy prioritizing my health has been the BEST investment I’ve made in the past year. 😁

I’m stronger, happier & far more resilient with every trip to the gym. 💪🏻 Let’s GO further with less. Staying lean and mean. #arete